Coding, also known as computer programming , has changed for a long time since Ada Lovelace created the first computer program back in 1843. While coding was initially used for more niche needs, today coding sets up and advances a lot of what we use daily. Take in mind all of these different ways that coding has changed and is still evolving today.
Educating Children
Previously, coding was seen as an activity someone usually started learning when they were an adult. With the current state of programming languages however, it's been found that children can learn the basics and create programs even at an early age. Teaching children coding can be advantageous as they are typically able to learn faster, plus they can grasp the concepts more easily which allows them to easily learn a programming language later at any time of life. With this in mind, parents have been trying to find different ways they can teach their children coding. In the past couple of years, coding boot camps have been developed for children. These essentially have them learn to code on a tight schedule like 2 weeks straight in which they will spend hours each day working on coding. At the end of it, children should be able to make a couple of basic programs. The ability to teach children coding is just one of the ways coding has evolved.
Adult Education
If you're past childhood, you might be interested in ways that you get started coding if you never learned when you were younger. The most prominent way to learn to code in your adulthood is to attend a university. If you're interested in coding for wireless networks, for example, you might want to think about taking GWU's Electrical Engineering program as electrical engineers can take on coding during their studies. Additionally, you have different ways you can learn coding outside of traditional schools. You can take any of the different coding boot camps around the world. While all of these have different amounts of time required for the curriculum, all of them typically look into ways that you can get a job in coding sometime in the future. You can also use direct learning sites that let you learn to code at your own pace. Compare each method of education so you know which one is right for you when looking to learn how to code at an older age.
You might be at the point where you understand coding fundamentals along with one language that you can use to create programs, but you must understand why different languages were created so that you can go on to learn more of them as time passes. As computers were first developed, coding was basic in that you have to essentially learn exactly how to send instructions to the computer's CPU in what's usually called assembly language. Today, many languages have been developed on top of assembly in which you can easily create programs and websites based off languages that are meant for different things. For example, Java is a language built specifically on the idea that you should be able to develop a program without having to recompile it for different operating systems and devices. Knowing the difference between coding languages is one of the most important parts of being a successful programmer.
As coding develops, you'll constantly be seeing new languages and programming concepts being taught as our standards change. Think about teaching those in your life coding as you might be able to bond over it as a hobby or even introduce them to their new career. Additionally, make sure that you're always keeping up with new trends in coding so you can keep getting better as a programmer.