A basic key and lock is not enough to keep you protected in some areas. Even if you live on a rural property, there's always the risk of intruders. Most homeowners cannot afford sophisticated biometrics systems, but it's perfect for large businesses that require daily security clearance. Review a brief list of advanced technologies that provide the highest quality in security.
Biometrics Technology
Biometrics is one of the most advanced forms of technology ever made. Certain features of the body are found only in specific individuals. This technology identifies people based on their unique body features and measurements. The most common examples are fingerprinting and retinal scans. Biometrics scanners will scan the person's eye or eyes and identify him or her based on the eye's unique composition. It's very difficult to beat this system because it's not the same as using keys or pass codes that are easy to steal.
Motion Detection
Motion detection technology includes sensors that track the movements of a moving object from a short distance away. Motion detectors are built into lights, alarms and doors that open or close automatically. These sensors work by detecting motion by videos, sounds, energy waves or infrared methods. Sometimes, the detection works mechanically like when a button is pressed and the door opens automatically. In a security system, a motion detector alarm or light works by detecting the movement of an intruder who walks too close to a window or door. Motion detection alarms are ideal for protecting vehicles, safes and restricted parts of a building.
Remote Access
There is an option to access your security system from any location in the world. The Internet provides this opportunity when you log into your online account and view video footage from security cameras that are installed around the property. You can watch live streaming videos or speed through recordings. Remote access is ideal for people who are always on the move, but have expensive properties that need looking after.
Automatic Locks
Locking the door or window manually is not 100% guaranteed to keep a home or business safe. That's because some people, like reckless roommates or tired employees, may forget to lock the doors behind them. They may even make a habit of it, and some may assume that they live in a safe area, so locking up their belongings is not necessary. An automatic locking system ensures that whenever the door or window shuts, it triggers an automatic lock.
Offsite Security Team
Anyone who is serious about safety may hire an offsite security team that is available 24 hours a day. Press a button or speed dial and contact one of their security agents in minutes. They can also monitor the footage on your security cameras and alert you if they see any suspicious activity. If you're not able to call the paramedics or fire department, they will make the call for you.
Backup Power
Back up your electricity in case it goes out unexpectedly. Burglars and intruders may cut the phone lines before or after they enter a home. Have a backup source of battery power so that you can use the phone, keep the lights on and more. A battery that provides extra power, even if it's for a few hours, is better than no power at all.
Advancements in modern technology have made life safer in every aspect. There are security lights that turn on automatically on streets, alarms that sound off whenever an intruder enters a home and sensors that track suspicious movements. Nowadays, there is no excuse for most people not to remain safe and be able to protect their investments.