Actions to Bulletproof your Software Infrastructure

Actions to Bulletproof your Software Infrastructure

The Relentless Pursuit of Cyber Safety and Security

Information security leaders recognize that there are no other alternatives when it comes to protecting digital assets. Cyber-security is a necessary part of overall best practices in protection with no compromise with risks factor and nothing is taken for granted. The ever-increasing consistency of intentional and accidental threats or exploitation justify vigilant measures in cyber protection.

It’s a fact that the challenges of the information and communication technology (ICT) community are vast as cyber criminals have become an even greater threat due to changes in the world economy and the global reach in communications. Internet working devices, equipment and software, operating in the realm of existing communications are targeted, challenged and tested for opportunities to breach using sophisticated tools.

Software Vulnerability, The Cloud, Completeness, and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to involve as an emerging leader of IT expenditures. Data asset protection, no matter where it is stored or retrieved, has increased the complexity of organizational cyber security. Artificial intelligence has reshuffled our thinking of threat protection inclusively with powerful decentralized global changes. Digital transformation is now an unending recurring process as organizations continue adapt technology to all phases of code protection.

Cloud based software and services are at the heart of digital transformation with its capability to change functionality rapidly and reduce the reliance on resident hardware. When bulletproofing software assets organizations must be as flexible and as nimble as the services, they are connected to minimize risk. The new modern attack surface can be anywhere, and exposure timing is a crucial factor among other vulnerabilities. Embracing any new technologies demands diligence, fortitude and patients to act on a cyber-security counterbalanced software initiative. The unforgiving rapid movement of business dynamics will always set the pace for organization adaptability and survival.

Education and Compliance to Empower the Cyber Security Professional

Information technology professionals must be well armed with global based tools and best practices. They must be empowered with the ability to not only react to complex threats or vulnerabilities, but to actively monitor diverse trends instantaneously occurring on the network estate. Software security can be scrutinized for digital reliance, version type, access capability and build auditing. The thresholds and boundaries of a successful IT oversight takes precedent when bulletproofing software applications in the enterprise.

The George Washington University cyber security academic goal is to enhance the knowledge, skill and awareness within the IT industry by intelligently educating active professionals. An organization’s cyber practices demands a multidisciplinary approach with a combination of engineering knowledge and computing sciences that meet or exceed industry compliance. IT professional should have real-world exposure with the engineering and project management know-how to wage combat in the global arena of cyber warfare.

Policy, Forecasting, Analysis, Intrusion Detection and Digital Forensics

Compliance knowledge enables engineers to evaluate and apply management policy by providing a complete overview of collective cyber-security trends and methodologies. Standards in cryptography, security systems, algorithms, and software paradigms, are essential technology strategies needed to synthesize complex business solutions. Expert ability to analyze will involve the collective organization and preparation of chronological facts to initiate digital forensics on behalf of law enforcement, attorneys and organization leadership.

Whether malicious, accidental or coincidental, infrastructures must consistently counterbalance threats, cyber-espionage or cyber-attack, with actionable predictive analytics use to evaluate unknown events. A well-defined Cyber intelligence defense strategy for tracking, analyzing, and countering of digital security threats reduces the risk of potential for loss or damage. A well-defined cyber-security policy should accurately outline the necessary logic for responsible decision makers and situational awareness procedures.